USB Barcode Scanner
Just got my first order delivered from DealExtreame today, and must say I'm very happy with the whole experience. Some claim that shipment is slow, however, from order to delivery, it took 15 days in this case (only 11 of which was for shipping from China). Very reasonable, in my opinion.
The order was for a USB Barcode Scanner, of type XYL-820. Again, I'm very impressed with the quality. It is a professional tool, highly configurable, comes with detailed low level documentation, yet is very easy to use. Just plug & play; it is detected as a keyboard device, and start scanning. All options can be configured through scanning of special bar codes which are printed in the manual. Through them you can easily turn on or off sound confirmation, carriage return, encoding, etc. The device was detected without problem under both Fedora and Ubuntu.
The goal is to use it for my CD database. Having the bar codes will be useful once my catalogue is complete. Then I can scan CDs in the shop, see which ones I've already bought, which ones I'm missing, and so on.