Decorative LED light bulbs

24 January 2018
In a quest to create a light-arrangement similar to the photo below, I've tried out a number of LED filament...
DIY passive audio mixer
18 July 2017
In previous posts, I've mentioned my TB-03 synthesizer and TR-8 drum machine. While both offer analog audio input and output to chain the sound, it gets tricky when trying to...
Hand soldering Surface Mount Components
30 August 2016
I recently got a $3 practice board for soldering SMD devices. It comes with components of various sizes, including resistors in 1206, 0805, and 0603 sizes; 1206 didoes; SOT-23 transistors;...
Making an ARM Linux based computer from scratch
25 July 2014
Over at Henrik Forstén's blog, he has a write-up of his very impressive project where he designed, assembled, soldered and installed an BGA (Ball Grid Arry) ARM based board from...
DealExtreme orders
20 July 2014
DealExtrme, always useful stuff! Some of the things I've ordered, listed here so I can easily find it and order even more...
Proto boards and microcontrollers - an overview
08 March 2014
MAKE magazine has a nice write-up of several of the popular micro controllers, prototyping and hobby boards out there. 36 of them in total. Of course, that covers only a...
DC-to-DC converters
09 December 2013
There are a number of different DC-to-DC converters out there, used to convert between different voltage levels. Ranging from the small but inefficient linear regulators to switched-mode converters like the...
Fiber optics
20 November 2013
For a long time I've been plotting to make a fiber optic "star" ceiling, however I've been put off by the prohibitively expensive offers on fiber, at around one Euro...
Adafruit order
27 October 2013
Some items ordered from Adafruit a while back. BeagleBone Black GPIO Extender Cable for Raspberry Pi - 12" long MCP23017 - i2c 16 input/output port expander MCP23008 - i2c 8...
Tayda Electronics Order
20 July 2013
I previously wrote about Tayda Electronics, and their amazing prices on basic components. Just to try, I put in a small order, and it arrived by air less than two...
Tayda Electronics
03 July 2013
For a long time, Sparkfun and DealExtreme, and to a lesser extent Digikey and Adafruit have been my favourite shops for electronic components. Now I might have just found a...
8-pins jumper wires
29 June 2013
For a somewhat long running project, I was looking for 8-pin jumper wires, and had even gotten some headers and ribbon cable to see if I could make them myself....
More DealExtreme
22 May 2013
A few months ago I listed what I'd bought and looked at on the Hong Kong based site DealExtreme. Here's another overview, with more electronics and random stuff. Ordered Interesting...
Tablet, tablet on the wall...
06 May 2013
Tablet, tablet on the wall, what's the cheapest of them all? That question comes up from time to time, so here's the cheapest I could find at Deal Extreme. Please...
15 February 2013
DealExtreme / is a Hong Kong gadget site with thousands and thousands of China products of all kinds, often at very competitive prices. Every order is free of shipping...
Home Automation on 433.92 MHz with Arduino
02 September 2012
Last year I wrote about my plans with the RF Link Transmitter, Receiver, and Everflourish home automation system seen in the pictures below. The idea was to replace the remote...
Revell Coaxial Helicopter
01 August 2012
I got my first helicopter this week, a Revell "Big One Pro" Coaxial 3 channel 2.4 GHz. At 100 Euros and only 3 channels, I was warned by the sales...
Raspberry Pi launched
29 February 2012
The $25/35 Raspberry Pi matchbox computer finally launched today, after much anticipation, impatience and extremely clever marketing. In the last few days, their web servers have been overwhelmed by the...
Geeky watches
19 January 2012
Douglas Adams had something against digital watches, always criticizing the ape descendants for thinking they were neat. Well, I have to admit I rather like them. As a 8-year old,...
RF Communication on 433.92 MHz
05 November 2011
I recently got a Sparkfun order on my door, so it's time to play. In the box was a RF Link Transmitter, and Receiver. They are sold as 434 MHz...
Raspberry Pi: A €30 Computer
30 August 2011
A few days ago, Raspberry Pi announced that they had gotten Quake 3 running on their ARM computer. Furthermore, their FAQ estimates the networked model will cost $35 and be...
Solar-Powered Charging Station
22 May 2011
Here's an older article from the Loudoun County Aeromodelers Association in Virginia, US, describing in detail how they planned and installed a solar-powered charging station for their electric RC planes....